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Diana Fletcher is a writer, life coach, activist and speaker. She inspires people to live lives of happiness and abundance and stands up for the vulnerable people in our world.

Diana's latest book is the International Bestseller, Happy on Purpose: Daily Messages of Empowerment and Joy for Women revised and expanded edition.  Her book Reduce Your Stress Month by Month Stress Reducing Strategies is a fan favorite. Diana has also authored five other self care books. Diana shares her life experiences through her blog and writes for numerous online and print publications. She can be reached through her website

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Recent Releases

Clutter, Peace, and a Lighter Spirit

     My spirit felt heavy. I couldn’t seem to write and no reading material held my interest. I felt bogged down by life.      My intuition told me to clean.      I had items the kids had left, thinking they would want them some day. To my surprise, I found out they didn’t. I started looking around my home, realizing that I had stuff that meant nothing anymore. Suddenly, I felt energized to get rid of stuff. Heaviness became my decider. Does this item weigh me down, or does it make me smile and feel lighter?  …

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Are You Creating the Future You Want?

At this very moment, you are creating your future. Some people believe that life just happens and that there is nothing they can do about it. Don't make this mistake. You will limit the abundance that you are meant to have in your life. There are bad things that happen and there are circumstances that cannot be changed. However, in every situation, you can make choices. If you truly want to live a good, authentic and rewarding life, you have to internalize the fact that it is your daily choices that decide how your life will turn out. Each minute…

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